The secret of the value preservation rate of used trucks! 当前信息
时间:2024-04-13 22:22:28

The truck value preservation rate has always been an important part of the cost performance. The so-called hedging rate refers to the comparison of the sold price of the vehicle with the previous purchase price after a period of use. It depends on the performance of the vehicle, the range of price changes, reliability, maintenance costs and other factors. The level of performance.


In European and American countries, due to the mature concept of automobile consumption and the huge volume of used car transactions, the car value preservation rate has been regarded as one of the important factors in purchasing a car. Various car purchase guidance publications also regard the car value preservation rate as the key Recommended reason for the model.

However, in China, the value retention rate is still a relatively new concept. Many consumers only consider the price of the vehicle as the primary consideration, and lack understanding of the value retention rate for future protection, especially for consumers who are about to buy second-hand trucks. The preservation rate can also be used as a consideration for your own purchase.

So what factors affect the preservation rate of used trucks?

1. Brand

The brand of the vehicle can be said to be the most important factor affecting the value retention rate. Unpopular brands have low value retention rates, and some domestic well-known brands such as Jiefang, Shaanxi Automobile, Dongfeng, Jiangling, and Karry have relatively high value retention rates. These brands have rich experience in making cars, their own quality is guaranteed, and after-sales service is perfect. The JMC Veyron’s promise of “no overhaul for one million kilometers, 36 months unlimited mileage warranty” is very reassuring for consumers. These well-known and highly recognized brands are naturally higher in value retention than other brands.

2. Market holdings

The greater the number of a certain car in the local market, the better its after-sales service system such as repair and maintenance will be. The market has a large number of cars, many service points, good repair quality, cheap spare parts, easy maintenance, and more value preservation.

For example, Shaanxi Automobile was founded in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The card friends in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places have a higher recognition of the Shaanxi Automobile brand than consumers in other regions, and they also have feelings in it.

3. Vehicle condition

In the world of second-hand cars, there is one price for each vehicle, even if the model is the same configuration, the price of different vehicles is different. First of all, in terms of performance, check the important parts of the engine. In addition, the vehicle collision avoidance system and the driver fatigue warning system must be perfect, the speed limit and braking devices must be qualified, and the mechanical noise inside and outside the cab must comply with international standards. Finally, check the appearance of the vehicle. Generally, scratching and replacement of wearing parts is normal, and does not affect the value retention rate. Major collisions, rollovers and other accidents will have a significant impact on vehicle performance, resulting in devaluation of used cars. A car with a high rate of authenticity retains the most value, and the better a used car is maintained, the better.

4. Price range

Inexpensive second-hand cars are more valuable, because cheap cars are not expensive for repair and maintenance, and they can be afforded while being affordable. Secondly, pay attention to the price of the new car purchased at that time when buying a used car, and refer to the price of the new car of the same level of competition.


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